2011 couldn't come fast enough for me. The end of 2010 was by no means fun. My leg bruise in my calf did finally drain in December after 5.5 weeks, but that was just the beginning. Christmas day I started to develop a cold, little did I know that in less then 48 hours it would develop into full blown bronchitis that triggered a nasty asthma attack. After a trip to the ER in the middle of the night a few things became apparent. I might be fit, but my lungs have not been healthy for some time. It's been a little over a month now and I can finally say the lungs are starting to feel a little more like normal again. So, after many tests at the doctors office I learned something. Don't mess with asthma, even if its minor. For the past two years I have been mostly off any medication for asthma all together. That was the problem, over time my bronchial tubes probably just got worse. This in turn is what led to me having bronchitis last year that I struggled with from February to April. I had a good morning chronic cough to, that should have been my indicator something was not right. This condition doesn't get better for someone who works out a lot outdoors without and medication. So, this leads to where I was at Christmas. A simple cold could easily trigger bronchitis despite me trying to get as much rest as possible. Whats the next step, I'm back to my asthma maintenance medication. In the next few months my lung function should improve more and return to a normal capacity for me. The competition better watch out for me this year, last year I wasn't running on all cylinders.
That aside, I have finally started my training for the 2011 season. So far everything is going great and I still feel strong despite the few setbacks I have had. My tentative schedule is a work in progress and is listed on the right side of the web page. As far as goals for this season, I have only one. That is to get and stay healthy. Racing should come easy after that if I am running at 100%. 2011 though I a upping the technology factor when I race though. For Christmas I got a GoPro HD camera. I will be mounting this camera to my bike for most races. So in the future look forward to hopefully seeing some neat video footage.