Sigh, so I am out riding at Island Lake park and a triathlete passes me. Since my goal for the night was an easy ride I kept a nice steady pace, no racing him. It just so happens my pace kept me 100 to 200 meters behind him. Well then I decide to do a few intervals. Once again my goal was just to loosen my legs up to race this weekend. My first interval I never caught him, but my second interval was a steady 6 min medium effort. Well I end up passing him. I look back and can see he is trying really hard to stay with me. A few minutes later at the end of my interval he tries to follow me through a 90 bend I took at over 25 mph. I hear an awful noise...carbon meeting road. He had blown the corner and laid the bike down skidding off the road into a ditch breaking the fork and top tube of his Cervelo P2. I kind of feel like an ass now, then again it was his fault for trying to follow me. I turned around though to make sure he was ok and offer help. I feel like I indirectly caused him to crash by pushing him harder then he should have been going. I guess I should have stopped for a few minutes to make sure I had a clear road to do my intervals.
So my questions are, why do people treat training like a competition and why do triathletes have this grudge against roadies? I mean I would never take unnecessary risks training just to keep up with someone. There is no shame in getting passed training, not every ride is a race. Oh well...